Thursday, June 23, 2016

Tell the ACC you're in favor of Consolidation

You might remember in our last post that we planned to start the letter-writing campaign in the EPCOR rate case in September.  Well, that timeline has been accelerated just a little bit; we need you to start writing NOW.

The ACC is considering a separate case where they are (finally) establishing some standardized policies around water and wastewater.  While this case won't directly address our case, it may very well set things in motion for us.  If the Commissioners' decisions set a tone that Consolidation is the way things are headed, then we could jump into settlement discussions in just a few weeks.

Sun City has been filling the docket with letters already.  We need you to help counter-balance the discussion.  We've made it easy.

Simply click here to be taken to a special page and follow the instructions.  You can submit your comments in just a couple minutes.  Let's fill their inboxes!

As always, we will keep you posted about events as they take shape.

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