Tuesday, September 13, 2016

How? Join our letter writing campaign! Come to Tempo on Main Street this Saturday, 9/17/2016 any time between 8 AM and 12 PM to sign a letter telling the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) that you’re in favor of consolidation. We will mail your signed letters for you.

Why sign? Your water supplier, EPCOR, is a private, publicly traded company operating under the authority of the ACC. In addition to new water/wastewater rates, EPCOR’s recently filed rate case seeks to consolidate four water districts into one. We support EPCOR’s recommendation for FULL CONSOLIDATION—it’s a GOOD thing for your water bills!

Your Verrado Utilities Council will on hand to answer any questions you have. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday!

Join us in our fight to make them lower!

Please email us at utilitiescouncil@verrado.com if you have any questions about this important event.

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