Meet The Council
Our Charter
21 May, 2015This charter applies to the Utilities Council, an advisory committee of volunteer residents operating under the overall direction of the Board of Directors of the Verrado Community Association, Inc. (the “Board”).
1. The objectives of the Utilities Council are:
Work closely with the Board to proactively study, recommend and (upon approval by the Board) implement positions, policies and actions deemed necessary to ensure and/or improve the quality, availability, and cost of public utilities for the residents and property owners of Verrado.
To the extent practical and as authorized by the Board, identify and develop members and/or resident(s) with appropriate capabilities to assume a lead role in representing the Verrado® community in public utility-related legislative matters and regulatory proceedings.
Support/encourage water and energy conservation programs in the Verrado® community.
Facilitate improvements in utility customer service to the Verrado® community.
2. The scope of the Utilities Council activities includes review of the public utilities serving the Verrado® community – water, wastewater, electric and natural gas – and advising the Board on related topics.
3. The Utilities Council will be responsible for the following activities:
a. Establish relationships and conduct periodic meetings with:
i. Public utility providers serving the Verrado® community (EPCOR USA, Arizona Public Service, Southwest Gas).
ii. Regulatory agencies (RUCO, AzCC).
iii. Elected representatives, public officials and candidates for public offices
b. Address key public utility issues proactively (where appropriate, jointly with public officials, legislators, other utility customers and/or utility companies):
i. Identify – Monitor regulatory policies, legislative matters and rate cases involving public utilities serving Verrado.
ii. Prioritize – Review identified regulatory policies/matters/cases and select those with significant impact on Verrado for further analysis and possible action.
iii. Analyze – Study the selected regulatory policies/matters/cases and develop positions, commentaries and actions that will result in favorable outcomes for the Verrado® community.
iv. Recommend – Bring to the attention of the Board and community those positions, commentaries and actions that should be pursued by the community and seek Board approval to proceed.
v. Implement – Upon approval by the Board, assist in organizing and coordinating efforts to implement recommended positions, commentaries and actions (e.g., organizing community petition walk).
4. Membership: The Council shall consist of a Chair that will be appointed by the Association President with advice and consent of the Board. The Chair, in coordination with the Board (or designee), will appoint other officers as needed. The Chair must be a resident homeowner of Verrado and must be in good standing in his/her respective community. The Chair will recruit and retain additional general (voting) members (a maximum of 9 total) as he/she deem appropriate.
a. Associate Members: Additional members of the community, non-resident consultants, and a staff liaison from the Board may participate in meetings and Council activities as non-voting associates.
b. A quorum of five voting members is required to conduct a vote on any issue.
5. Removal of Members: Termination of membership will be by resignation or recommendation of the Council Chair and President (or designee).
6. Terms for Chair and Members: Council Chair will be appointed for one-year renewable term. Appointment shall be made at the May Board meeting, or as needed, due to a vacancy or other reason as determined by the Board. The vacancy will be filled for the remainder of the vacated term. There shall be no term for general members.
7. Chair: The Chair is responsible for sending out meeting notices and agendas, facilitating efforts of officers and general members, leadership of meetings, appointing an acting chair in the chair’s absence, recommendations to the Board via the staff liaison, coordinating the budget request with the staff liaison, and serving as the point of contact with the Council’s staff liaison on issues as appropriate.
8. Meetings: The Council shall have meetings on an as needed basis; they will be public and notice will be given in advance. Public comment at Council meetings is not required. Smaller planning meetings can be held as needed. Agendas are suggested but not required.
9. Minutes/Reports: The Chair shall report to the Board on a minimum of a quarterly basis, in writing, as to the activities of the Council (past, present, and future). If the Chair wishes to provide a report as indicated in the charter, it must be submitted to both the designated staff liaison at least seven (7) business days in advance of the meeting. The Chair can verbally present the written report at a Board meeting as desired and as coordinated with the Association.
10. Budget and Spending Authority: The Utilities Council has no budget or spending authority. Funds for Board-approved efforts are made available at the sole discretion of the Board on a case-by-case basis.
11. Authority to Act: The Utilities Council and its members shall have no authority to act on behalf of the Verrado Community Association, Inc. or the Board unless specifically authorized by the Board. Members shall not represent, suggest, or imply to anyone that they speak for the Board or the Verrado Community Association, Inc. unless specifically authorized by the Board.